Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Montagu's Harrier

 Montagu's Harrier (2CY), Upper Cambourne, 31st July 2024 © James Hanlon

'A very lucky garden sighting today - a Montagu's harrier. A 2nd calendar year bird (=1 yr old) and probably a male. Most unexpected!

It was about a quarter of a mile away so the pic quality isn't great.' JH


 Wren, Over, 30th July 2024 © Tracey Graves

Canada Goose

 Canada Goose, Grafham Water, 30th July 2024 © Tracey Graves


 Chiffchaff, Over, 30th July 2024 © Tracey Graves

Pied Wagtail

 Pied Wagtail, Grafham water, 30th July 2024 © Tracey Graves

Common Sandpiper

 Common Sabdpiper, Grafham Water, 30th July 2024 © Tracet Graves

Yellow-legged Gull

 Yellow-legged Gull, Grafham Water, 30th July 2024 © Tracey Graves


 Coot, Grafham Water, 30th July 2024 © Tracey Graves

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Great White Egret

 Great White Egret, Wicken Fen, 29th July 2024 © Roger Cresswell

Monday, July 29, 2024


 Skylark, Dernford Reservoir, 23rd July 2024 © Cookie Shorten

House Martin

 House Martin, Great Shelford, 15th/19th July 2024 © Cookie Shorten

Little Grebe

 Little Grebe, Derrnford Reservoir, 27th July 2024 © Cookie Shorten

Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe, Dernford Reservoir, 23rd/26th July 2024 © Cookie Shorten

Common Whitethoat

 Common Whitethroat, Dernford Reservoir, 19th July 2024 © Cookie Shorten


 Kestrel, Dernford Reservoir, 19th July 2024 © Cookie Shorten

Friday, July 26, 2024

Cattle Egret

 Cattle Egret, Fen Drayton Lakes RSPB, 5th July 2024 © Rachel Lennard

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl, Fen Drayton, 18th July 2024 © Garth Peacock

From Kevin Robson's hides. ED

Green Woodpecker

 Green Woodpecker, St.Ives, 24th July2024 © Nigel Sprowell

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Yellow-legged Gul

 Juvenile Yelloe-lwgged Gull, Long Drove Cottenham, 20th July 2024 © Steve Cooper 

'...these are just turning up now 10+ at Long Drove today it makes a good comparison with the juvenile Caspian.' SC

Caspian Gull

 Juvenile Caspian Gull, Long Drove Cottenham, 20th July 2024 © Steve Cooper

Sedge Warbler

 Sedge Warbler, Fen Drayton Lakes RSPB, 18th July 2024 © Tracey Graves

Mute Swan

 Mute Swan, Fen Drayton Lakes RSPB, 17th July 2024 © Tracey Graves


 Goldfinch, Fen Drayton Lakes RSPB, 17th July 2024 © Tracey Graves