Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Black Restart

Black Redstart, Waterbeach, 14th March 2018 © Ian Burfield
'....attached a photo of the Black Redstart that appeared briefly in my garden in Waterbeach earlier this morning. A very unexpected garden tick!
I'm not sure what gender or age it is. My immediate reaction was that it was a female (as it's obviously not an adult male), but checking a few books, I gather it could be a first winter male, given the prominent wing panel. Comments anyone?' IB


  1. Whilst staying in Southern Spain after Christmas, we were visited daily by a small bird, similar to the one you posted, except that it had a distinctive red flash at the top of its tail - will post photo as a comment on the Cambirds group. It would come several times a day to eat crumbs from the balcony. I sent the photo to the Birdwatching Spain and was told, to begin with, that it was a female Black Redstart, but then afterwards I received a second email telling that it was very difficult to tell the juvenile males from the females.

  2. You're right Ian it could be either. The vast majority of 1st winter males do not acquire a male like plumage and are indistinguishable from females and even females in fresh plumage can show a distinct wing-panel.

    Richard Johnson
