Sunday, June 26, 2016

Little Grebe

Little Grebe, Dunkirk, 25th June 2016 © Tony Martin
‘A pleasant surprise last week was the discovery of a brood of dabchicks in front of the house. I had no idea that there was a nest, though I had been seeing the adults quite frequently.I am staggered at the rate at which these chicks put away their food. The parents are catching a stickleback every 30 seconds!

Also, two fun images of a tuftie female having a go at a dabchick (both defending young) and then with the tables turned. Hilarious to watch, given the David and Goliath nature of the encounter, but in the end there was no contest. David Dabchick routed his opponent. Of course, the dabchick may have been a female, but then the biblical analogy becomes sadly redundant.’ TM

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