Monday, November 17, 2014

Wigeon Hybrid

Drake American x Eurasian Wigeon Hybrid, Paxton Pits, 15th November 2014 © Jamie Wells

'...these were some of the plumage features which led us to believe that it could be a yank x eurasian:
The bird shows rather pinkish flanks, but greyer tones across the mantle. The forehead and crown is bright and whitish (unlike the buffish yellow colour on a drake Eurasian Wigeon), whilst the cheeks are pale and there is a dark eye-stripe showing green tones at certain angles (though some Eurasian Wigeon can show this). The rear of the head is more typically Eurasian Wigeon coloured (chestnut). The bird also has very white axillaries (seen by Martin when it wing-flapped) like an American Wigeon. ' JW - Sent at the request of the editor. 

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