Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Marsh Harrier

First Winter Male Marsh Harrier, Fowlmere RSPB, 9th January 2013 © Geoff Harries

'When Geoff first showed me these pics on his camera in the hide I couldn't see much detail, but he kindly sent me three images which I have been able to look at more closely. 
The pale tips to the greater and primary coverts indicate this is a first-winter (2CY) bird. This is supported by two ages of feathers in the tail. A close look at the upper tail reveals that the outer two tail feathers on both sides (and possibly the third outermost on the left side) are new, being much less abraded. These new feathers are a different colour (greyer) to the older central tail feathers, and the second outermost feather on the right side also has a blackish subterminal spot. Thus I would age/sex this bird as a 2CY male.
Full marks to Geoff for obtaining good quality images that allow such details to be observed.

Reference: Forsman (1999) pp172-173

Doug Radford (Fowlmere)

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